Post by ferd on Feb 24, 2020 10:24:44 GMT -7
I heard the liberal elite shot down his rocket so he couldn't prove flat earthers right.
Post by salmon401 on Feb 24, 2020 10:31:36 GMT -7
I heard the liberal elite shot down his rocket so he couldn't prove flat earthers right. I heard it was the deep state.
Post by ferd on Feb 24, 2020 10:42:56 GMT -7
Definitely the lizard people
Post by senatooorofspace on Feb 24, 2020 13:42:58 GMT -7
The Lizard People ordered The Deep State to Order The Liberal Elite to do it...so you're all right.
Post by chronicircle on Feb 24, 2020 14:07:34 GMT -7
Post by Don Swifty on Feb 25, 2020 7:43:05 GMT -7
Post by Don Swifty on Feb 25, 2020 7:48:10 GMT -7
Post by deadphishbiscuits on Feb 25, 2020 8:20:10 GMT -7
So I'm all of them since university I did not graduate ?
I need some henny and a plan b
Post by salmon401 on Feb 25, 2020 12:43:57 GMT -7
“I’m not just crazy, I’m crazy like YOU! Give me money.”
Post by goodtimes on Feb 25, 2020 14:09:04 GMT -7
This dude was kinda cool but mostly crazy
I saw a good doc on him he ment well
Unfortunately being your own rocket man is probably more dangerous than free solo climbing. You can be the best until your dead
Post by flyinghellphish on Feb 25, 2020 15:38:47 GMT -7
so do they think all the other planets are also flat? or just this one?
Post by goodtimes on Feb 25, 2020 17:03:36 GMT -7
I just saw a quote about that^
I guess they say mars is proven to be round because it has been seen.
The earth has never been seen.
So flat earthers dont believe people have been to the moon OR the space station OR believe in satellites!?
Post by bear on Feb 25, 2020 18:09:03 GMT -7
Lunar landing was faked bro
Post by flyinghellphish on Feb 25, 2020 19:06:49 GMT -7
I just saw a quote about that^ I guess they say mars is proven to be round because it has been seen. The earth has never been seen. So flat earthers dont believe people have been to the moon OR the space station OR believe in satellites!? they must be very stupid.
Post by treetophigh on Sept 9, 2021 7:13:59 GMT -7
I have a FB friend that used to cover most all the various music offerings throughout the Chicago region each day in a past, particularly tthe jam and associated scene (Big Blotto head).
Anyway, he is flat earth, antivax, all sorts of weird shit. This was his post today...
"No legitimate flat Earthers talk about an "edge" to the Earth. We only know about the portion between the North Pole, and the Southern Extremities. We don't know what may lay beyond the "Antarctic ice wall". For all we know it could just keep on being flat for eternity. Also it's an international treaty signed by the main world super powers that "guards" the Antarctic ice wall, NASA just pretends to go into "space". According to the Heliocentric theory, total Lunar eclipses are caused by the Earth's shadow from the Sun. Which would mean the Sun, the Earth and the Moon would have to be lined up in a perfect syzygy. Yet a bunch of them have happened in the past, and continue to happen today, when you can see both the Sun and the eclipsing Moon from the same vantage point on Earth. The heliocentric theory tries to explain this away by telling us this is just an optical illusion. In other words, the Sun is actually behind the Earth from your view, even though you can see it in the sky for yourself. Past civilizations have suggested that total Lunar eclipses are caused by another celestial luminary that we can't see until it's blocking the moon, but this all seems to be unproven conjecture so far. All we know is we need to come up with a better theory as to what causes this phenomenon than it being the result of the Earth's shadow as cast by the Sun. The Sun rotates around the North Star, just like the Moon does. It goes in an East to West path, getting closer to the North pole during our summers, and closer to the Antarctic ice wall during our winters. Everyone on Earth agreed the Earth was a motionless flat plane with the Sun, Moon, Stars, and Wandering Stars (which the Heliocentric theory labels as "Planets") revolving around the North pole before Nicolaus Copernicus came along and suggested that even though it appears that way, it really wasn't. At the time, everyone just assumed he was the town idiot. All observable physics indicate that water would just fly off of a spinning, spherical Earth. The theory of "Gravity" has never once been demonstrated, and therefore remains unproven. To this day, nobody has ever managed to produce a single example of mass attracting mass on the virtue of it's mass alone. The heliocentric theory explains this away by saying that we are just too small to be able to measure it, and it only works with objects as big or bigger than the Moon or the Earth. This is "hearsay", not "science". Sir Issac Newton got hit in the head with an apple, and came up with the theory of Gravity to explain how the oceans would be held to a spherical Earth, but at the end of the day, you can't prove one un-measurable theory with another un-measurable theory. So once again, everyone assumed these round Earthers were off their rocker. The idea that the sensation of weight is caused by the Earth being propelled upwards was put forth by the farcical "Flat Earth Society" You may remember them from such tweets as: "The Flat Earth Society has members all around the Globe." They go on to explain that the Earth is actually on the back of a giant turtle, with rockets for legs. Of course they are just morons, and don't represent legitimate flat Earth positions. I happen to be associated with the "Flat Earth -Research- Society", and we don't say stupid shit like this. We have not been able to measure -any- movement in the Earth aside from seismic activity. The sensation of "weight" and the way things fall (or rise) have always been perfectly explained by relative density. Denser things will fall through less dense things, which will cause less dense things to rise, until settling accordingly. The Earth is the sediment at the bottom of the air, just like the sand is the sediment at the bottom of the ocean. This video's insistence that we wouldn't be able to get to the outer ice wall because of "Gravity" causing us to "fall sideways instead of down, making trees grow diagonally, or causing all the water and air to "fall" to the Arctic center is simply ludicrous, because again, Gravity doesn't exist. They go on to talk about all of the layers of the spherical Earth, including the molten iron core that they say generates the magnetic field that surrounds the Earth. But the deepest anyone has ever dug into the Earth's surface is the Kola Superdeep Borehole in Russia, which managed to drill just under 8 miles into the ground. That's not even deep enough to penetrate the Earth's outer crust, let alone verify all the other layers they claim to exist. Nobody has ever managed to make a spherical magnet that behaves in the way that the heliocentric theory suggest the Earth's magnetic field works. What we have been able to make are flat, circular magnets with a north pole at the center, and a negatively charged outer rim (like you will find in speakers), just as things appear to work here on Earth. Compasses only work when you hold them level to the ground, because you have to point it at the magnetic source. If we really were on a spherical Earth, you would have to point the compass down more and more as you got closer to the equator, which you obviously do not have to do. The jackasses in this video suggest that without their heliocentric model, all our air would just fly off into space, which is actually what would happen in their model, because they insist our atmosphere ends where the "vacuum" of "space" begins. Without some kind of barrier between this alleged vacuum and our atmosphere, it would be sucked right into that vacuum. On a flat Earth model, the oceans are contained within the Antarctic ice wall, and relative density causes them to reach a perfectly flat level. This is why builders use liquid in their leveling tools to figure out how to make their buildings level. The Sun and Moon are about the same size, and rotate above the flat plane at around the same height. Due to the limits of human vision, we can't see them when they get too far away. As they get further away, they appear to get lower and lower in the sky, not unlike a series of street lights that appear to get smaller and closer to the street the further down you look. Eventually the Sun and the Moon get far enough away, that they disappear from view completely. They appear to disappear bottoms-first, because of the distortion introduced into the image by the flat plane itself. You can prove this is the case by watching the Sun "set" with your naked eyes, at which point you can zoom it back into view with a good telescope or a camera with a good zoom lens. It will actually appear to rise back up into the sky as you zoom in on it. Even with the best telescopes however, we can't just keep zooming indefinitely, and the Sun will eventually be too far to be seen all together. This is what causes the day/night cycle, time zones, etc. There is no reason to assume the Sun orbits behind the underside (if there even is an underside) of the Earth. In a sad attempt to pretend they care about "science" they take their assumption that the Sun is really ridiculously larger than it appears to then postulate that if the Sun were really as big as it appears, it wouldn't be big enough to keep us warm. As if the reason it's keeping us warm is because we are assuming it's much bigger than it actually appears. 😃 NASA fully admits that their pictures of the globe Earth are "photo-shopped, because they have to be." Their words, not ours. GPS devices work by triangulating signals off of ground based cell towers. And a doughnut shaped Earth, had not occurred to us dude. Please let me know if I've left anything here unanswered."
Post by ferd on Sept 9, 2021 7:20:58 GMT -7
Not reading all of that...but wow.
Post by bussit on Sept 9, 2021 7:30:25 GMT -7
I read it. If this guy spent as much time understanding how the laws of physics work as he did thinking up reasons why the earth is flat, he might come to different conclusions. Because anything can be a conspiracy if you don't know how anything works
Post by salmon401 on Sept 9, 2021 7:54:05 GMT -7
I made it about half way thru, to the point of questioning gravity, then was done.
Post by SolarGarlic 🧀 on Sept 9, 2021 7:57:44 GMT -7
I didn’t read any of it but I will say I’ve been to a lot of Blotto shows and some of those people are freaks. And not in a fun way.
Post by treetophigh on Sept 9, 2021 8:07:56 GMT -7
I didnt read it at all either, well beyond the Ice Wall and NASA never going past it or whatever, lol.