& of course female orgasm research
get w the program
unfortunately there's some anti-feminist, backwards, Jerry Falwell watching nit wit on here that keeps removing my threads regarding the emerging science of orgasm research.
these people r doing brain scanning & electroencephalograms on subjects at their research centers
this compared to Tantra is like comparing the solid being a liquid at the same time technology, concepts & research to the making bricks out of cow dung & mud & water technology, concepts & research
just like infanticide to control our Family size vs the 2019 IUD's
we have moved on considerably since the days when Tantra was invented
if U have taken a look at Tantra & not noticed the evils against women that it encourages
maybe its cuz U were thinking of things from your own male perspective a little too much
if U r female & did see it, maybe its cuz U r brainwashed so much by the cultural standards- esp if U were born pre 1985
never fear there's a well respected Tantra lifelong student & teacher who can set us straight
here's a bit of what she has to say on that:
"As Tantra teachers and practitioners, we have a lot to disclose and to add to this discussion. To begin… There are a lot of teachings that we have personally found useful in healing and in the process of spiritual awakening. Some of these teachings we found at Agama and some we have found elsewhere. We are not throwing the baby out with the bathwater. The focus on energetic flow during yoga practice, the movement away from yoga as exercise toward yoga as preparation for meditation and a spiritual path in its own right, the sense of sex as sacred, the understanding that trauma lives in the body not the head, the knowledge that the energy lines (called nadis in yogic tradition) are the physical fascia, the understanding of the impacts of sexual assault and sexual shame on the body, heart, mind and soul… All of these things are worth holding onto.
What is not worth keeping is not only a reverence for “Swami” the man, but also an unexamined adherence to the teachings, some of which are over 10,000 years old, that identify Shakti (the feminine) with the material alone, that attribute masculine aspects to God (Shiva), that consider women “lower” than men, the focus on healing women (many of whom have already gone through sexual assault) through more violent “pounding,” the placing of male sexual desires above the intuition of women, the projection of responsibility for the sexual desires of men onto the women they are attracted to, the identification of the feminine with the lower chakras and the masculine with the higher, enforced sexual polarity and the shame that is leveled at gender non-conforming and homosexual individuals, the repeated and well accepted calls for women to “surrender,” the notion of “fucking her to God,” the idea that women want to be destroyed by their lovers (quoting and paraphrasing David Deida)… These ideas are well embedded in neo-tantric and new age communities. They are widespread, present in almost every Tantric school in the world and they are indefensibly harmful and wrong.
We have spent several years since leaving Agama talking about how to refine and transform the teachings we were exposed to so that we feel comfortable offering them to the world. This process has been painful and difficult for us, to tease out the contempt for women from the teachings that are of benefit. They are terribly intertwined, sometimes very subtly, and often aligned with the Judeo-Christian contempt for sex and the feminine that we in the Western world are all steeped in. We have had to look within ourselves for the shards of toxic weaponry that we absorbed during our time not only at Agama but studying with other new age teachers and communities and living in mainstream culture. The war against sexuality and the feminine within all beings is one that has only one goal — to keep people and nature enslaved.
We have spent years transforming ourselves and our relationship and no doubt this task will continue throughout our lifetimes. To vulnerably disclose our personal journey, we met in the summer of 2012 and became lovers in November of that year. We were both under the sway of new age, neo-tantric rhetoric that teaches that the use of condoms “block the flow of energy” and dedicated to using sex as a vehicle for enlightenment, we did not use condoms. We were also dedicated to the relationship style of polyamory, which is encouraged at Agama but not isolated to or invented by that school. Our lovers were also people who had been at, or were at Agama and we all generally followed the same “rules.” Sean contracted chlamydia from a lover who had contracted it from her lover, both of whom were very involved in neo-tantra and had also studied at Agama. Sean passed it unknowingly to Deva whose body reacted violently resulting in hemorrhaging, testing and treatment for all involved"
read the rest at this website:
medium.com/@devatemple/tantric-couple-shares-their-painful-experiences-with-agama-yoga-a-call-to-examine-all-tantric-2e16aeef6cebthe better path is at:
"Orgasmic meditation is devoted to female orgasm — after all, the women are typically the ones being stroked. But the idea is that the “strokers” (who are often men, but may be women, too) are also fulfilled through what community members call “pleasure by proxy,” as well as by enjoying the sensations in their bodies as they stroke. There are courses in how to satisfy a woman with hands-on instruction designed to show what she wants, and how to give it to her. One class, for example, is titled “Ten Women Want You to Know: How to Handle a Woman's Pussy.”
"At One Taste Urban Retreat Center, orgasm is life. One Taste is home to more than 50 “turned on” people who describe themselves as “messengers of orgasm.” Community members cook, eat, do yoga, and sleep together. They live together in several buildings in the same neighborhood, with as many as 24 people staying in one of the large bedrooms.
Most pair up as “research partners” to explore sensuality with one another. That can mean simply sharing a bed, making out, having intercourse, or some level of intimacy in between. Research partnerships can last for as short as a week or for more than a year. While some at One Taste are monogamous, many are not. And just because a pair of residents may have broken up as research partners doesn't preclude them from occasionally snuggling and making out on one of the center's comfy vintage couches.
They call this a research community rather than a commune, although communal living is part of the deal. It's not the first sensuality-focused community, but there are a couple of things that set One Taste apart.
For one thing, while it clearly has a pleasure principle, One Taste also emphasizes discipline — one reason that its denizens created what they call an “urban monk” sensual immersion program. The community typically comes together to practice orgasmic meditation three times each weekday, at 7 a.m. (that's the big one where just about everybody goes), 2 p.m., and about 6:45 p.m. The afternoon and evening OMs tend to be a bit smaller, due to work and other obligations. The schedule differs slightly on weekends, with a 7:45 a.m. OM session to allow community members to sleep in.
Then there's the fact that this is a sensuality community focused on building connections to others through stroking the clitoris."
"Daedone's background in Buddhism may explain why the group's description of its OMing practice sounds so similar to other forms of meditation (except, of course, for the lube and clit stroking). Daedone and others at One Taste say the concept at the root of OM is that too many people get caught up in their rational mind (or what they call the cortex, as in cerebral cortex) with all its inhibitions and judgments. So OMing is designed to let the sensory system (or the “limbic system,” the nerves and networks in the brain controlling emotions and drives) rise up, and in doing so help practitioners access different forms of consciousness. “Very much in the way in meditation you plug into the cosmic consciousness,” Daedone said. “This is where both people plug into the one orgasm that's always there.”
Some religious or meditation organizations consider their practices as ways to reach higher thinking, or even enlightenment, but at One Taste they're not so lofty. Community members prefer the term “integrated thinking,” and consider their practice a goal-less one. There is no black belt in orgasm here.
Still, One Taste is a for-profit business, meaning they do have a goal to make money as they spread the message of orgasm. For example, the urban monk program for those who want to immerse themselves in sensuality costs $2,000 per week. One Taste is already expanding to other cities by teaching courses in Hawaii, New York, and Sacramento, and has additional requests to teach in Seattle, Los Angeles, and Santa Cruz. A One Taste in New York may be open by fall, and Daedone hopes to eventually open a center in every major city.
But is the rest of the country ready to OM?"
that's about 1/5 of the article its at:
www.sfweekly.com/news/sex-and-sensuality/its 12 years old
so, we r hoping the rest of the world will b ready soon if not now
also one more thing about that.
I posted this twice already, created threads for it twice
it was removed twice
if the people calling the shots here at this forum r that horrendously immature
that they can't handle the science of female orgasm
then I just realized this is no place for a person like me
hope U all have fun w your severely emotionally stunted existence