Post by Don Swifty on May 30, 2020 10:45:47 GMT -7
I agree with this completely. And I think it is wonderful you truly believe your child will be one of the good cops. I understand your frustration with this conversation. I also think it unfortunate that most people have either had a negative interaction or know someone who has. Its hard to convince a lot of people they are even safe with cops around (mostly cuz of the drug war on non violent citizens). But that is reality. In high school it was some of the biggest jock dickhead dominant assholes who went on to become cops. And my sister married one of the most well meaning but terribly confused cops I have met. He truly believes bringing the law into people's lives improves things for them. So he is a nice guy that would gladly arrest most of you and leave you struggling to get out of the system. I have no bright answers. And I do see the need for some sense or order. I just feel its far to broken in far to many ways. This. Years ago I came across something that said that we're all basically the same people we were back in high school. Our base personalities don't change all that much, if at all. I was the stoner music freak then, and I'm pretty much the same guy now. The math club kids go on to become doctors and scientists. The jock dickhead dominant assholes go on to become cops. And I'm sure over beers at a cookout they might even be somewhat likeable, but they do truly believe that bring the law into people's lives improves things for them and would gladly arrest anyone to leave them struggling to get out of the system.
Post by Don Swifty on May 30, 2020 10:46:49 GMT -7
If it's tough they shouldn't take the job in the first place. That's why I never worked in a meat packing plant, as a migrant farm worker, as a crab fisherman in the seas off Alaska, a lion tamer, as a bomb diffuser, etc. Really? Because it seems like you’ve done everything else. Swifty’s been a puppet, a pauper, a pirate, a poet, a pawn, and a king.... I've been all those things at one time or another except a king. Not even king of the slackers; I'm sure others are better than that than me. What do I have to show for it? Experiences and memories. Not much else.
Post by Don Swifty on May 30, 2020 10:48:12 GMT -7
I think new recruits fall victim to the culture of the police force. I'm sure most of them have sincere intentions when they go in... There has been a para-military take over of police forces all over the country. "Out-gunned by The Gangs so let's load up and get tough. Everybody is scum." Maybe I'm being naive but I think they were different when we were young. I don't see the kindness in their eyes the way I did when they were my coaches in the Police Athletic League. And 20 years of war hasn't helped either. I feel the same. Maybe it's just being naive, but they did seem different back when we were younger. I do remember learning as a teenager that the cops you really had to watch out for were the Vietnam vets. They were different than the others. War will inevitably fuck up it's participants. My dad had some cop friends. One of them, "Bullethead" we called him, kept his marine haircut 20 years after leaving the military. He was nuts, though as he literally said, he was sane and had the papers to prove it. Who the fuck needs to be certified sane? Bullethead was corrupt though and on a couple of occasions, as a favor to my old man no doubt, pulled some strings that saved my juevenile delinquent ass where other kids would've got put into the system.
Post by Don Swifty on May 30, 2020 10:55:46 GMT -7
People acting like there is no need for the job of a police force that operates AS IT SHOULD are living in some kind of dream world. What is all of your answers? What should we do instead of having some kind of police force? All of your comments seem to indicate we shouldn't have one since apparently all of them are bad. So shut it all down then, huh. That is what all of you keep indicating with your comments. Just because some people have gotten into policing for their own fucked up reasons does not mean everyone does. This would be my opinion, by the way, even if my son did not want to become a police officer. I truly do not see why he DOES want to go out and protect and serve people that have nothing but contempt for the job he'd be trying to do. Down here the cops are corrupt. It's probably why some people pursue it as a career - all the extra $ you can make on the side. Everybody knows it, nobody particularily likes it; I've always found comfort in knowing that if I fuck up I can relatively inexpensively buy my way out of my problems instead of having to go to some shitty latin american jail. One thing you don't see the police do here is brutalize people based on the color of their skin. Afro-Peruvians aren't killed or treated differently than anyone else by the police simply because they're black. Not to say that there isn't a history of the state treating certain members of society brutally (usually based on politics or class), but the history shows that's been more a function of the military than the municipal police. I find police corruption far more palatable than police brutality. The problem, imo, isn't the individual who decides to become a cop. The problem is that the institution itself is so rotten that any individual getting into the profession for the so-called 'right reasons' doesn't stand a chance. It's like the young idealistic person who decides to go into politics, gets elected, and when they arrive in Congress or the Legislature finds themself surrounded by the type of politics, corruption, and back room dealing they oppose. They soon learn that if they don't go along with party leadership and vote as they're told to on certain things that they'll be marginalized and won't have the power or support to do any of the good they want to do. Eventually, if they want to keep their job and have any say at all, they cave in and become that which they opposed when initially running for office. Like political institutions, the police force is larger and more influential than any one officer. It's the institution that people hate. The institution is represented by the individual wearing the uniform, be it a suit and tie with an American flag lapel pin, or police blues with a badge. An individual can go into the police force with good intentions, but like the military, it operates as a larger unit with it's own personality. You can have intentions of being clean, but if you don't go on the take or have a problem with brutality, the fellow cops/soldiers you rely on won't trust you. Ultimately the choice is to go along to get along, or become completely ostracized. Most, it seems, eventually choose the former. It would seem the easier path if quiting isn't an option. People have contempt for the institution. That gets passed down to the individuals working for the institution because they're the face of the institution. I wonder why anyone who would work for such a corrupt/violent/brutal/racist institution would do so when it's so obvious how corrupt/violent/brutal/racist the institution actually is. Granted, the comparison is to a work of fiction, but it's like defending a Imperial Stormtrooper because he's not the Imperial Empire, just a soldier within it. He's just doing his job which is to follow the orders of those who wish to bring order to the galaxy, right? And yes, to further poke holes in a comparison to a fictional universe, the whole third triology has as a main character a good stormtrooper. But he saw the Empire for what it was, was sickened by what he needed to be in order to get along within it, and rebelled against it, so.... Why would a good person sign up with the Imperial Empire? Or the Nazi party? Or a company that profits running a Ponzi or some other scam? Or the police? Or any institution inherrently rotten, no matter their stated purpose? Most realize some form of policing is required in society, even if it's some form of self-policing on a micro-scale in an anarchist collective. I don't think anyone here is suggesting, as you imply, that it be "shut it all down." People are just sick and tired and fed up with a completely corrupt institution that is supposed to serve and protect, but for a segment of society does anything but. Somethings fucked up when completely law-abiding, church going, black grandmas (who are better, more law abiding citizens than me) have to tell their grandchildren at an early age to "watch out for the police." I said it before when I referenced someone else's post; if someone 'good' truly wants to serve the community there are a lot better ways of doing so than strapping on gun and a badge to join an institution which overtly practices entrenched racism and doesn't seem to focus on protecting and serving. Be a fireman, a paramedic, search and rescue, etc., but don't expect to get any respect as a cop when the institution itself treats people it's supposed to be protecting and serving like shit. But those jobs don't attract the control-freak types who were hall monitors back in high school and ratted out other kids to the teacher or principal, and those being protected and served are primarily the higher ups in the system and secondarily those who faithfully obey, don't question, and otherwise fit in (i.e. are white). Good people don't join historically unchangeable malevolent institutions. Good people oppose such institutions, if not through direct action, at a minimum by speaking out against them.
Post by EddieBlake on May 30, 2020 13:28:57 GMT -7
People acting like there is no need for the job of a police force that operates AS IT SHOULD are living in some kind of dream world. What is all of your answers? What should we do instead of having some kind of police force? All of your comments seem to indicate we shouldn't have one since apparently all of them are bad. So shut it all down then, huh. That is what all of you keep indicating with your comments. Just because some people have gotten into policing for their own fucked up reasons does not mean everyone does. This would be my opinion, by the way, even if my son did not want to become a police officer. I truly do not see why he DOES want to go out and protect and serve people that have nothing but contempt for the job he'd be trying to do. I have nothing but contempt for them because that's all they've ever shown me.
Post by Vibyl on Jun 2, 2020 10:38:17 GMT -7
People acting like there is no need for the job of a police force that operates AS IT SHOULD are living in some kind of dream world. What is all of your answers? What should we do instead of having some kind of police force? All of your comments seem to indicate we shouldn't have one since apparently all of them are bad. So shut it all down then, huh. That is what all of you keep indicating with your comments. Just because some people have gotten into policing for their own fucked up reasons does not mean everyone does. This would be my opinion, by the way, even if my son did not want to become a police officer. I truly do not see why he DOES want to go out and protect and serve people that have nothing but contempt for the job he'd be trying to do. Good people don't join historically unchangeable malevolent institutions. Good people oppose such institutions, if not through direct action, at a minimum by speaking out against them. Why isnt it a changeable institution? The people are responsible for what goes on within it. Also, it's ironic right now that police are being badmouthed (whether good or bad) and at the same time needed to shutdown the looters and the people that just want to watch shit burn. With the Fomenter in Chief's latest shitty stunt, which he should catch plenty of Hell over, I hope it doesnt get worse just to spite Shithead. It probably will though.
Post by Vibyl on Jun 2, 2020 10:39:17 GMT -7
People acting like there is no need for the job of a police force that operates AS IT SHOULD are living in some kind of dream world. What is all of your answers? What should we do instead of having some kind of police force? All of your comments seem to indicate we shouldn't have one since apparently all of them are bad. So shut it all down then, huh. That is what all of you keep indicating with your comments. Just because some people have gotten into policing for their own fucked up reasons does not mean everyone does. This would be my opinion, by the way, even if my son did not want to become a police officer. I truly do not see why he DOES want to go out and protect and serve people that have nothing but contempt for the job he'd be trying to do. I have nothing but contempt for them because that's all they've ever shown me. Sounds like it was their personal problem then....Dont make it yours.
Post by EddieBlake on Jun 2, 2020 10:55:28 GMT -7
It's clearly not just their personal problem. This shit happens with all different police departments in every state.
I think it's a problem with the people who choose to go into law enforcement. They're not hiring the best and brightest and that's proven.
Post by senatooorofspace on Jun 2, 2020 11:00:18 GMT -7
Post by Vibyl on Jun 2, 2020 11:52:57 GMT -7
It's clearly not just their personal problem. This shit happens with all different police departments in every state. I think it's a problem with the people who choose to go into law enforcement. They're not hiring the best and brightest and that's proven. I dont think you got what I meant....If all they have is contempt for people, then they clearly have a personal problem.. And lol about best and brightest...whatever though.
Post by Don Swifty on Jun 2, 2020 12:29:00 GMT -7
Good people don't join historically unchangeable malevolent institutions. Good people oppose such institutions, if not through direct action, at a minimum by speaking out against them. Why isnt it a changeable institution? The people are responsible for what goes on within it. Also, it's ironic right now that police are being badmouthed (whether good or bad) and at the same time needed to shutdown the looters and the people that just want to watch shit burn. With the Fomenter in Chief's latest shitty stunt, which he should catch plenty of Hell over, I hope it doesnt get worse just to spite Shithead. It probably will though. Is change within the institution possible? I guess. I've never seen any change for good in the institution. On a micro level look where we are today with the institutional racism within the institution. Nothing at all has changed. Cops are corrupt all over the world. It's just the nature of that beast. One could hope that Trump would change (also within the realm of possibility) but darkness is so entrenched within him that I don't see it happenening. Same with the institution of the police. My point is that throughout all of history the instituion has been shitty. Anyone thinking they can make the changes necessary to change that institution, not just in their local precint but on a national or global scale, is kidding themselves. Might as well say Hell/Trump Administration/Third Reich is a changeable institution so there's nothing wrong with choosing to work there.
Post by goodtimes on Jun 2, 2020 12:47:48 GMT -7
What would you tell your kid if he told you he wanted to be a cop? I would say there are much better ways to give back to the community. Same thing with any military.
Post by ferd on Jun 2, 2020 12:49:13 GMT -7
What would you tell your kid if he told you he wanted to be a cop? I would say there are much better ways to give back to the community. Same thing with any military. -What if that wasn't enough to sway him/her?
Post by ferd on Jun 2, 2020 12:52:10 GMT -7
Post by ferd on Jun 2, 2020 12:54:39 GMT -7
FYI - I'm not trying to defend cops...I'm trying to see positive change.
Post by goodtimes on Jun 2, 2020 12:55:36 GMT -7
I would say there are much better ways to give back to the community. Same thing with any military. -What if that wasn't enough to sway him/her? Never arrest a user just take their shit and bring it to pops. I guess you cant tell them what to do. Just tell them all the shit they will deal with and how people will view them no matter what actions they do. Enforcement is not our family's game haha
Post by deadphishbiscuits on Jun 2, 2020 12:55:59 GMT -7
Post by goodtimes on Jun 2, 2020 12:59:59 GMT -7
I do feel bad for normal cops that have to deal with this and put on the riot gear and start throwing gas.
I doubt that is what they signed up for.
But idk, maybe it is. Some military people do it all just for the chance to blow some shit up.
I mean, when you want to be a cop what do you really want about that job. 9 out of 10 want a gun and to enforce.
It's hard for me to even imagine the 1 that is like "I want to protect this community and make it a safe place"
They probably couldn't even land a job in their town, now your not even dealing with your community members. And I do think after a while your intentions are gone and you have joined the team
Post by Don Swifty on Jun 2, 2020 13:02:42 GMT -7
I would say there are much better ways to give back to the community. Same thing with any military. -What if that wasn't enough to sway him/her? Dose them. If that doesn't work, dose 'em again. Harder. Not sure if the services accept people who've used hallucinogens. Way back when the recruiters were constantly calling me (no matter that I told them I wasn't at all interested and had other plans) the only thing that got them to stop was when I told them I used L.
Post by lordkundalini on Jun 2, 2020 13:06:45 GMT -7
one must keep in mind that if a cop does wrong it broadcasted to the world
how often do you see a story of a cop doing good? some cops do good right? are stand up people.
there is a vested interest by the power structure to create a hostile dynamic between we the people and the police. and the power structure controls the media and the narrative for the most part.
so the focus is on the bad and clearly creates an emotive response in we the people that can be used by the machine to manipulate we the people to achieve the machines goals which i suspect is a stratified country with the elites having most of the wealth and controlled by the police state. such inequality in the long term can only be maintained by force